"You can be ecological and you can also make art. There's no real one or the other. "
Martha Schwartz
Mission Statement
For the last 38 years David has been practicing the craft of Landscape Architecture. In that time, the profession has gone through several evolutions in its collective approach to designing open space. Traditionally, the approach has been about the artfulness of the final result and after graduating from Parsons’ New School of Design, David began his career by employing the Beaux Art style of landscape design. He drew inspiration from the pleasure gardens found worldwide such as the palace of Versailles, Villa D’Este in Italy or the Alhambra in Spain. Since that time, the global population has grown from 2.5 to 8 billion and we have put ourselves under pressure from the sheer mass of people now living together. This has put an enormous strain on the environment, where design has previously expected it to perform as it did 150 years ago, which has caused a reevaluation of this firm’s style and priorities.
Our relationship to the environments that we live in is going through a revolutionary change that has given us no choice but to be part of an aggressive solution. While previous design approaches are simply not sustainable, reasonable, or ethical, we at David R. Lamb A.S.L.A. are beginning to think differently about who we are and what role we play in the global biosphere. We are no different from other creatures as we share all the same environmental resources. This revolution has given us the impetus to re-evaluate our role as landscape architects in the present day. Our new mission is to design meaningful, practical, and beautiful spaces for people to live in while staying true to our commitment to the environment.
We need environments that do everything they can to take down the barriers between humans and the natural world. We also have a second client in every project which is the local natural environment that our project resides in. It is here that we need to fulfill as many of the needs of that natural environment. And those needs are essential to supporting as much biodiversity as possible to maintain the millions of relationships between animals, insects, fungi and birds that pre-existed before human settlement. These relationships are the key to keeping the biosphere functioning. It is with this new attitude that we are producing high performance landscapes that harmonize people with the place, contribute to the healing of the ecosystems that sustain us and give back to the biosphere from which we have extracted and harmed so much.